NHL Launches Full Blown Investigation On Corey Perry

Hunter Bowman
November 30, 2023  (11:20 PM)

Experienced NHL forward Corey Perry faced contract termination from the Chicago Blackhawks earlier this week, citing "conduct that is unacceptable and in violation of... policies promoting professional and safe work environments."

Team Response:
Perry's significant misstep is evident, although specific details remain undisclosed. What we do know is that Perry departed the Blackhawks last week due to what the team terms an 'organizational decision.'
According to Sportsnet NHL insider Elliotte Friedman, Perry now has a 60-day window to contest the contract termination. A successful appeal would secure his $4 million salary, but a return to the Blackhawks is off the table.
From Friedman's recent 32 Thoughts column for Sportsnet:
Corey Perry cleared waivers Wednesday afternoon, and the Chicago Blackhawks terminated what remained on his one-year, $4-million contract. He has 60 days to file a grievance, which, if he wins, would restore the financial compensation.
The NHLPA cannot proceed unless Perry agrees. It wanted to grieve on Patrik Berglund's behalf during the 2018-19 season, but the player refused. So that termination went unchallenged.
Regardless of the salary outcome, Perry won't be rejoining the Blackhawks. That door is firmly closed.
Elliotte Friedman
Meanwhile, veteran NHL reporter Larry Brooks of The New York Post reports that the NHLPA is reviewing Perry's contract termination:
It appears the NHLPA is delving into the matter to assess whether an appeal is warranted.
Earlier this week, GM Kyle Davidson dismissed rumors linking Perry to Connor Bedard's mother, Melanie Bedard, during a media briefing.
Check it out:
While GM Davidson addressed the rumor in his press conference, NHL insider Frank Seravalli debunked it, calling it "fucking bullshit."
From Seravalli:
"The stuff that's been floating around about Corey Perry and one of his teammates' mothers is fucking bullshit. And I think it's ridiculous that this is something that was perpetuated on social media. It is so far from the truth and so unfair."

"Connor Bedard... he was raised right. His parents are really polite, proper people. There's zero chance that something like this would happen and yet it will stick with him for a long time."

Frank Seravalli

Together with GM Davidson's statement, it seems conclusive that nothing occurred between Perry and Melanie Bedard. So, what DID happen?
As Davidson emphasized, this was a professional matter, not criminal, unfolding last week.
Seravalli discloses that Perry, allegedly under the influence of alcohol, was involved in an inappropriate incident at a team corporate function.
From Seravalli:
"According to sources, an alcohol-fueled incident involving Perry was alleged to have occurred during an event that included corporate partners and team employees in attendance."

Frank Seravalli

In her ESPN report, insider Emily Kaplan digs into allegations against Perry from a Blackhawks' employee.
From Kaplan via ESPN's Ryan S. Clark:
A source told ESPN's Emily Kaplan that Perry indeed traveled with the team to Columbus last Tuesday, a day before the game, and an incident occurred that day involving a team employee. Davidson said Perry, who did not play in the team's 7-3 loss, was "immediately pulled" from the game once the Blackhawks were notified, and at that point, the club began an investigation.

Ryan S. Clark
Thus, something unfolded between Perry and a Blackhawks' employee in Columbus on Tuesday, November 21st. The specifics remain speculative, but it's clear the incident didn't involve other Blackhawks members or their families.
As seen on hawksinsider
NHL Launches Full Blown Investigation On Corey Perry

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